English Breakfast Tea

English Breakfast Tea

The prototype of this most popular of all teas was developed over a hundred years ago by the Scottish Tea Master Drysdale in Edinburgh using black Indian and China teas to create a strong brew to drink with milk.

By the 1700s, it become indoctrinated into the English lifestyle. It replaced the customary practice of drinking ale at breakfast.

The institution of tea for breakfast was probably influenced by Queen Anne (1665-1714).

It was marketed simply as "Breakfast Tea". It quickly became popular in England because Queen Victoria loved all things Scottish.

Tea shops in London, however, changed the name and marketed it as "English Breakfast Tea", claiming it as their own.

It is an originally blend of fine black teas from India and Chinese tea, often including some Keemun tea, a black Chinese tea.

Keemun, a black Chinese tea with a fruity taste and a hint of pine. Keemun possess a full, concentrated flavor and a toasty aroma and sometimes referred to as the ‘Burgundy of teas.’

Today’s English breakfast tea also contains Assam Tea for strength, Ceylon tea for flavour and African tea for color. The United Kingdom has other regional blends, such as Yorkshire tea and Irish breakfast tea.

Irish breakfast tea, which is a little stronger with a bolder flavor, is composed of black teas from Nilgiri, China and Assam.

It should be offered with milk or lemon. It may also be used to brew iced tea.
English Breakfast Tea

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