The invention of paint and brush by an Egyptians

The invention of paint and brush by an Egyptians

The earliest paintings known, prehistoric cave paintings were painted without any binding medium.

The Egyptians probably invented the paint brush. They were also the first to manufacture what to be called paint, some 8,000 years ago.

Their paints could protect as well as decorate. Beeswax, vegetable oils and gum arabic were heated and mixed with earth and plant dyes to paint images that have lasted thousands of years.

The Egyptians used asphalt and pitch to preserve their paintings.

Egyptians employed the tempera technique, mixing colures with water and adhesives. Two types of brush were used in painting, both of which have been found in tombs as part of the painter’s equipment.

*Coarse brush were made with plant fibers and usually alfalfa and split palm leaves
*The finer brushes were made with fibrous stems, usually the central ribs of palm leaves or reeds.

Bundle of brushes wrapped round with string stained with red paint, found in the tomb of Montuherkhopeshef at Thebes. The thick brushed made from fibrous wood.
The invention of paint and brush by an Egyptians

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